
City Government Gives Appreciation and Awards to Outstanding Athletes in Bandung City Throughout 2023

The Bandung City Government gives awards to outstanding athletes who have made the city of Bandung proud in various local, regional, national and international sporting events at the Horison Hotel, Wednesday 6 December 2023.

Humas Kota Bandung Thursday, 07 December 2023 10:33

On this occasion, the Regional Secretary of the City of Bandung, Ema Sumarna, expressed her pride in the extraordinary achievements of the athletes from the city of Bandung.

According to him, it is one of the achievements of the vision of the city of Bandung, namely to present a city with superior human resources.

"Today there are quality human resources from the sports sector who have made extraordinary contributions both at the provincial level, at the national, Southeast Asian and international levels," said Ema.

"We certainly really appreciate our presence tonight as a form of support for the athletes and their extraordinary achievements," he added.

Ema hopes that these outstanding athletes will not become complacent but will continue to maintain the positive achievements they have made.

Meanwhile, Head of the Bandung City Youth and Sports Service (Dispora), Edy Marwoto, said that giving this appreciation was a real contribution and concern from the Bandung City Government in supporting sports people.

He hopes that outstanding athletes from the city of Bandung will further increase their credibility at regional, national and international levels.

"This award is a form of appreciation, which is expected to motivate athletes. The government continues to be committed to advancing sports people in the city of Bandung," said Edy.

He also added that it was not only athletes who received appreciation that night. But also sports, managers, coaches, officials and technicians.

Meanwhile, member of the DPRD for the city of Bandung, Andri Rusmana, admitted that he was very proud of the extraordinary achievements achieved by the best athletes from the city of Bandung.

He also said that the Bandung City DPRD is always committed to supporting the Bandung City Government in providing superior human resources in the field of sports.

"Hopefully we can continue to collaborate with all parties and continue to bring the best achievements to the city of Bandung," said Andri.

"We entrust sports people, athletes, coaches, never to be complacent. Continue to practice and provide the best work for the city of Bandung," he said.

Appreciation recipients receive coaching money ranging from IDR 1 million to IDR 45 million. The recipients range from athletes, coaches, managers, technicians, to technicians. (ray)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana