
Cikbar Manis: Festive Event Promotes PKL Cikapundung

In order to promote the PKL (street vendors) assisted by the City of Bandung in the Cikapundung area, the Cooperatives and UKM Service especially in the Non-Formal Business section held the Cikapundung Barat Mantap Istimewa (Cikbar Manis) event on Friday, July 1, 2022.

Humas Kota Bandung Sunday, 03 July 2022 00:21
Cikbar manis PKL Cikapundung

The Head of the Non-Formal Business Division of the Cooperatives and MSMEs Agency, Rajasa P. Brutu, said that his party has fostered 104 street vendors in West Cikapundung. With the aim of promoting, he hopes to increase income so that the community's economy can improve.

"Hopefully with this promotional event, the traders in Cikapundung fostered can increase their turnover. So that the economy of Bandung City can recover," he said.

This event was also attended by the Head of Sumur Bandung, Wahyu Ningsih. He admitted that he really appreciated the activity.

“Thank you to the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs for holding this event. I am very supportive. At least we can reactivate MSME activities according to the mayor's direction," he said.

The event attracted the attention of residents and tourists. The event was quite lively.

This event is filled with various entertainment programs including singing performances, karaoke competitions between street vendors, and exciting games that involve the community.

Dian, one of the local residents who was also present, said that she really enjoyed the Cikbar Manis event.

“The event was really fun, I really wanted to come here. Yes, hopefully after this event, the traders will be more enthusiastic and the existence of street vendors here can be known by more people," said Dian. (Alya/Azzahra)

Head of the Communication and Information Office of Bandung City

Yayan A. Brilyana