
CFD is Back! The following are the times and regulations

Car Free Day (CFD) Dago Bandung City was held again. This vehicle-free area will begin to be implemented on Jalan Ir H. Djuanda, from the Dayang Sumbi Intersection to the Cikapayang Intersection on Sunday 4 June 2023 at 06.00-10.00 WIB.

Humas Kota Bandung Wednesday, 31 May 2023 17:37

"It has been agreed that CFD will be held every month on the first and third Sundays. So twice a month. We have had meetings with the Koramil, Polsek, Polres, Subdistrict and Kelurahan," said Head of Control and Operations, Bandung City Transportation Agency, Asep Kuswara.

He revealed that the CFD rules include that the public is not allowed to carry out promotional trade activities in the Road Owned Space (Rumija) area. It is forbidden to bring pets of all types of animals without exception.

In addition, continued Asep, motorized vehicles, rickshaws and delman are not allowed to enter the CFD area, except for emergency activities.

"We prioritize if there is an emergency. Such as an ambulance because there is a hospital in the CFD area," he said.

In the regulations it is explained that people are not allowed to carry sharp weapons, liquor and narcotics, psychotropic substances and addictive substances in the CFD area. Society is obliged to maintain cleanliness, beauty, order and peace.

"In this area it is also mandatory to maintain music and radio noise levels by not exceeding a predetermined threshold of a maximum of 120 dB," he said.

Asep emphasized that the public is prohibited from distributing brochures or flyers.

"This will cause the pile to become waste, such as motorbike installments and so on, that is not allowed," said Asep.

According to him, CFD can be carried out periodically in accordance with the evaluation results with the relevant agencies.

"So CFD can be carried out periodically according to the evaluation results of the relevant agencies. It will be evaluated, where are the deficiencies, it needs analysis so that in the future CFD will be better," said Asep.

Meanwhile, for people who bring their vehicles, don't worry. There are several parking pockets that have been provided in the area.

"For the Transportation Agency personnel, we will deploy around 80 personnel, starting from the parking attendants to the regulatory department," he said.

For parking pockets, Jalan Dayang Sumbi, for 2-wheelers can accommodate 200 vehicles. Wheel 4 accommodates 10 vehicles.

Jalan Teuku Umar, 2-wheeled vehicles as many as 300 vehicles and 4-wheeled vehicles accommodate 10 vehicles. Jalan Hasanudin, 200 2-wheeled vehicles and 15 4-wheeled vehicles.

Jalan Ganesha, for 2-wheeled vehicles as many as 200 vehicles and 4-wheeled vehicles as many as 15 vehicles. In the Cikapayang area, there are 200 2-wheeled vehicles and 4-wheeled vehicles with no parking pockets.

Asep stressed, if there are those who violate it, starting from bringing animals, trading to giving brochures, officers will be disciplined according to their duties, principal and function.

"If anyone violates it, action will be taken. We collaborate in coordination with the ranks of the Indonesian National Police to Satpol PP. If something violates, we will arrange it according to their duties and functions," said Asep.

He hopes that the implementation of CFD this time will run optimally, so that people are able to follow the rules that have been determined.

"In the city of Bandung it has been 3 years since there has been no CFD. It is hoped that the community will be able to participate in following the applicable rules. We are one of them providing education, the goal of CFD is to reduce air pollution and traffic jams. Apart from that, social interaction is more intertwined, motivating pedestrians, to sports," he said. (yan)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Informatics Agency

Yayan A. Brilyana