
P.J. Mayor of Bandung Visits the Location of the Kirmir Landslide Disaster

Acting (Pj) Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono inspects the location of the Kirmir Landslide at Cipamokolan River, on Jalan Padasuka, Gg. Babakan Cihapit, Pasirlayung, Cibeunying Kidul District, Saturday, November 18 2023.

Humas Kota Bandung Saturday, 18 November 2023 11:48

This landslide disaster occurred on Jalan Padasuka, Cibeunying Kidul District, Bandung City on Friday 17 November 2023 at 16.53 WIB yesterday.

Based on reports at the crime scene, there were four victims from Jatihandap Mandalajati residents, three people were slightly injured and one person died.

In surveying the location where the landslide occurred, Acting. The Mayor of Bandung was accompanied by the head of the PB Diskar, Gun Gun Sumaryana, the Head of Cibeunying Kidul District, Aris Rusdianto, the Head of Pasirlayung Village, Atep Ahmad Yusuf and the Prokopim team.

When reviewing the location of Acting. The Mayor of Bandung instructed the Fire and Disaster Management Services to carry out a study.

"We ask to immediately carry out a technical study, in order to take future steps," said Acting. Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono.

Based on the regulations, there are no buildings permitted on riverbanks, especially in river basins.

"Later we will look at the technical specifications of Diskar PB, if it turns out that the building has to be demolished and the building to the west has to be demolished," he explained.

After inspecting the location where the landslide occurred, Acting. The Mayor of Bandung and Kadiskar PB were accompanied by the Head of Cibeunying Kidul Subdistrict and the Head of Pasirlayung Subdistrict to visit the families of the landslide victims.

When he saw the condition of the families of the landslide victims, Acting. The Mayor of Bandung expressed his condolences and provided compensation. (ziz)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana