
Bandung City KONI Athletes and Management, Here are the Results

To achieve a healthy life without drugs, the Indonesian National Sports Commission (KONI) Bandung City held urine tests on 97 athletes and administrators at the Bandung City KONI Hall, Jalan Jakarta, 27-28 November 2023.

Humas Kota Bandung Tuesday, 28 November 2023 18:30

Deputy Secretary 4 of KONI Bandung City, Nashrindra, said that the urine test which lasted for two days involved the Bandung City BNN. The aim is to prevent drug abuse from happening to athletes and KONI administrators in Bandung City.

According to him, if an athlete stays away from drugs, then the desired achievements will be easily achieved. However, on the other hand, if an athlete is contaminated with drug abuse, it can have a negative impact on his or her performance.

"For an athlete, never mind touching drugs, you can't even look. Once you look, your career is over," said Nashrindra.

He explained that this urine testing activity was very positive and beneficial for KONI Bandung City. Through healthy living without drugs, it is hoped that KONI Bandung City can produce talented young athletes who are able to excel in various events, be it Porda, PON and International levels.

"For carrying out this urine test, we would like to thank the Bandung City BNN for facilitating this activity," he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Implementation Team, Gilang Fajar Shadiq, Head of General Subdivision of BNN for Bandung City, revealed that drug crimes are extraordinary or extraordinary crimes. Prevention and Eradication, Abuse and Illegal Trafficking in Narcotics (P4GN) is a state strategy to deal with this problem.

According to Gilang, implementing P4GN is our shared responsibility.
This urine testing activity is an implementation of Presidential Instruction no. 2 of 2020 concerning the P4GN National Action Plan (RUN), which mandates that all elements of society, including ministries, state institutions and government, must implement the P4GN program.

Regarding the sampling process for 97 athletes and KONI administrators in Bandung City, all of them were declared negative. *

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana