
Bandung Reciting the Koran: Smart People Are Not Easily Fallen for Hoaxes

Islam has long taught its people to have high literacy. Including preventing hoaxes or fake news.

Humas Kota Bandung Thursday, 14 March 2024 11:06

In fact, according to Ustaz Dindin Solahudin, as pious and pious servants of Allah, Muslims are obliged to digest information well. Not just one source, but several sources as reinforcement to ensure the information is suitable for consumption.

"It must be studied and analyzed, whether the information is true or a hoax, useful or harmful. If it is good, take it and redistribute it," said Ustaz Dindin Solahudin in the Bandung Koran Recitation activity, at the Al Ukhuwah Mosque, Wednesday 13 March 2024.

"We have to be smart, filter it first, we study and analyze it as social media users," he said.

Dindin revealed, in Az Zumar's letter verses 17 - 18 which means, "And those who stay away from Tagut (that is) do not worship him and return to Allah, they deserve good news; therefore convey the good news to My servants, "

"(Namely) those who listen to the words and then follow what is best among them. These are the people who have been guided by Allah and they are the people who have common sense," explained Dindin.

In this letter, said Didin, it relates to servants of God who are able to be istikomah in carrying out their lives.

"Az Zumar's letter turns out that the ability to listen to information is knowledge for believers who are istikomah," he said.

Dindin said that as a pious and pious servant of Allah, you should always listen carefully to any explanation given by the leadership.

"So if there is an explanation, such as ceremonies and meetings, we as servants of God who are istikomah and intellectuals, must listen carefully," he said. (yan)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office


Yayan A. Brilyana