
Fun! One Youth Space Present in Ujungberung District

The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) inaugurated a youth space in Cigending Village, Ujungberung District. The presence of this forum is good news, especially for young people in the city of Bandung who are known for their creativity and mutual cooperation.

Ray Wednesday, 23 February 2022 01:59
Siaran Pers Diskominfo Kota Bandung 22 Februari 2022

Located in RW 07 Kelurahan Cigending, this youth space was inaugurated by Plt. Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana. In her speech, Yana hopes that this place can be a place for the creation of ideas and innovations from the youth of Bandung City to build the city.

"I entrust this place so that it can be used as well as possible and provide as much benefit as possible," Yana said, Tuesday, February 22, 2022.

Although still in a pandemic atmosphere, Yana hopes that the economic recovery in the city of Bandung will continue. Therefore, the presence of this youth space is also expected to be a comfortable place for youth to generate ideas that can be developed into an innovation or creation product, which in the future can boost the economy.

He also reminded the public to always continue to apply health protocols while on the move. According to Yana, the implementation of health protocols is a powerful weapon to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

"At least use a mask when doing activities. God willing, we will be spared from the virus," he said.

In line with Yana, Head of the Bandung City Youth and Sports Service (Dispora), Edi Marwoto hopes that Youth Space RW 07 Cigending Village can become a center for local youth activities and can generate brilliant ideas from these activities.

“Please use this facility for positive activities. The youth must be enthusiastic and produce innovations to build the city of Bandung,” he said.

For information, Edi also explained that the youth space in Ujungberung District is the fifth point after Antapani, Kiaracondong, Coblong, and Andir.

He revealed that in the near future, the Bandung City Government will inaugurate two more youth spaces, namely in Mandalajati and Gedebage.

"In 2020 we have built 4 youth spaces, in 2021 we have also built 7 youth spaces. The plan is that in 2022, 10 youth spaces will be built so that by 2023, there will be 30 youth spaces in Bandung (each sub-district has a youth space)," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Ujungberung Sub-district, Jajang Hamdani, is very optimistic that the youth space that is present in Ujungberung District can increase the creativity of the youth here.

He hopes that this youth space can be owned jointly by the community in Ujungberung District.

"According to the mandate of the late Mang Oded, whose enthusiasm is now being continued by Pak Yana, we want Ujungberung District to be a role model for other sub-districts regarding innovation in building cities," he said enthusiastically. (ray)**

Head of Discominfo Bandung

Yayan A. Brilyana