
Galow: HIV/AIDS Online Health Service in Mandalajati District

Commemorating World AIDS Day on December 1, Mandalajati District held an active case finding (ACF), Monday, November 28, 2022.

Humas Kota Bandung Monday, 28 November 2022 16:13

In collaboration with the Bandung City AIDS Commission (KPA), ACF provided a free HIV check booth for all participants who came.

The Head of Mandalajati Sub-district, Yana Rusmulyana, said that this HIV/AIDS socialization was carried out because of the increasing number of HIV cases in the city of Bandung.

"I don't know where the problem is. If the counseling and socialization have been done, it turns out that the cases are still increasing," said Yana.

Through this activity, Yana hopes that the negative stigma attached to HIV/AIDS survivors can be reduced. So that the community can play a role in helping the survivors to have a passion for life.

"We also have to encourage the survivors because they don't really want this to happen," he said.

Because if someone has been exposed to this disease, there is no longer a cure. Moreover, HIV AIDS has its stages.

"In fact, initially there were no symptoms. It was only detected after many years. Even then, the symptoms disappeared. After it was severe, it could be seen how dangerous HIV/AIDS is," he said.

Of the 30 sub-districts in Bandung City, only two sub-districts were selected to hold the ACF, namely Mandalajati and Antapani.

"In Mandalajati, there are five health centers and all of them already have HIV test services. Residents can come for an HIV test. Confidentiality is guaranteed, both positive and negative," he added.

Not only that, Mandalajati District also has an online HIV service innovation.

The chairman of the Mandalajati AIDS Concerned Citizens (WPA), Reny Yustianingsih, explained that the service innovation is called Galow (WPA Online Service Movement) Mandalajati.

Developed in October 2022 on the Mandaliks platform, it aims to be a forum for conveying information related to HIV/AIDS and the activities of WPA Mandalajati.

"We have made the Galow innovation. Hopefully, more people will be more concerned with accessing HIV/AIDS services and care for people living with HIV/AIDS," hoped Reny.

That way the survivors can be healthy without stigma, so that AIDS can be ended soon.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of Community Empowerment Management of the AIDS Management Commission (KPA) of Bandung City, Dzikri Mohammad Hermadja explained, the highest HIV cases in Bandung City were in West Java.

"In December 2021 the accumulation of cases reached 5,843 cases. This is the accumulation of data for 30 years," said Dzikri.

On average, HIV/AIDS cases reach 300-400 per year. The highest cases were in the Districts of Bojongloa Kaler, Coblong, and Lengkong.

Then the three sub-districts with the lowest cases were Panyileukan, Gedebage, and Cinambo.

"Mandalajati is ranked 6th from the bottom. The eastern region has a small number. While the western region has a lot. This could be due to the fact that most of the tourist sites and hotels are in urban areas," he explained.

He said, prevention of HIV / AIDS can use the ABCDE method. First, abstinence, namely not doing risky things, such as drug use or free sex.

Second, Be Faithful, namely for those who are married, they are expected to be faithful to their partners.

"Three Condoms. For people who often do risky activities, please use condoms to break the rope of HIV transmission," he said.

Then, Drugs, namely not using drugs, especially those with syringes. Then, Education, namely the community is asked to increase knowledge about HIV/AIDS.

"The ACF concept is to open boots for a free HIV test. We also do mobile visits. Some are once a month or two months. Each location has different conditions," he said.

The method taken is of course still humanist, not coercive.

"This is done so that they want to take an HIV test. We also explain what the benefits of this test are. Because HIV/AIDS cases are like icebergs, it looks like maybe 5,000 now. But in reality it could be more than that, " he added. (din)**

Head of the Bandung City Communication and Information Office

Yayan A. Brilyana